When I was teaching English in Oman I would often play some English games with my classes. This not only helped my students to improve their English vocabulary and spelling, but it also helped them to think in English which eventually helps with the overall fluidity of English as a foreign language. Although there are many great games to play, here are some that were always a huge hit with my students.
1. General Knowledge
This is such an easy and fun game to play with the whole family.
Each player will need a pen and a piece of paper. On their paper they will write down the topics that have been decided upon.
Because I wanted to focus more on English in my classes I chose topics similar to the example below, but remember you can choose whichever topics you want. Just don't make them too difficult...the aim is to have fun.

You will then have one more page with letters of the alphabet on them, we often leave some of the more difficult letters out like X.

Once you've chosen your topics and you have your alphabet page you are ready to play. Close your eyes, hold the pen over the alphabet page, swirl it 3 times and then drop it. Whichever letter the pen lands closest to, is the letter you use in that round. For example A.
Now everyone has to start at the same time and find a word for each topic that starts with the letter A. The first person to get them all shouts STOP and the answers are checked together. If they all correct, that player wins. If they are not all correct then the player that was closest to finishing wins. And so you continue until you run out of letters.
2. Scrabble
This classic game is more popular than ever nowadays. There are two ways that you can play this game with your family and friends. You can download an app such as words with friends and play with your family and friends online or you can buy the board game. The board game allows 4 people to play at a time, but with a little creativity more can play, and the app is usually only a 2 player game. It is still one of the best vocabulary building games out there.

3. Find the words
The next game is a really fun game for people to play because it is so easy to adjust based on your level of English. In our classes we called it the word game.
Basically someone writes a few letters down on a piece of paper and then the rest of the players will try to find as many words with those letters as they can. The same person that chose the letters will also set a timer for the players, usually 1 or 2 minutes would be long enough to give everyone a chance to find a couple of words. Once the timer has gone off everyone shows the words that they found and the player who got the most words is the winner. The winner is then the next person to choose the letters and time.

The example that's been given here is for a beginner level of English, you can add more grids to the page if this is too easy and you want to challenge yourself with longer words.
4. Hangman
Another classic that is fun for all ages to play. You can create your own game with a pen and paper or, if you want to play by yourself, you can download an app. Although this is a very popular game, it might not have the best images to go along with it (A man being hung is not great for young children). So I would change the image to a flower. Every time the letter was incorrect, I'd add another petal, a leaf or a stem.

5. Crosswords
Many people from all around the world love doing crossword puzzles, they find them to be very relaxing. The best part about crosswords is that you can play it on your own or with the family. There are many great apps out there that automatically generate crosswords for you based on your English level. You can choose easy, medium, hard and even very hard. And it will keep you and your family entertained for hours.

So there they are. A few of the best English games to play with your family.
Enjoy!! 😎😎😎
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